3RF Australia
Three Rivers Foundation
3RF (Australia) Pty Ltd | ACN 136 421 184 | www.3RF.com.au


Who's Who at 3RF Australia?

3RF Australia (Three Rivers Foundation, Australia) is a non-profit educational organisation based entirely on the generous assistance of our group of dedicated volunteers. To help you get to know each of us a little better, a brief biography of our core volunteers appears below.

 Lachlan MacDonald
Core Volunteer & Managing Director, 3RF Australia | Co-ordinator & Co-Founder of the OzSky Star Safaris

Working for the NSW State Government during the day, Lachlan spends most of his spare time running the volunteer operations of 3RF Australia as well as planning and coordinating the OzSky Star Safaris. Lachlan is also a proud recipient of the Astronomical Society of NSW's most prestigious award, “The McNiven Medal”. Lachlan has been co-ordinating the OzSky Star Safari trips in their various forms since 1993 and co-founded 3RF Australia in 2009.

Primary Astronomical Interests: Sharing the amazing Southern Skies with folks from the north, visual astronomy using large-aperture telescopes, showing off all the “WOW” objects (aka “Eye Candy”) in the Southern night sky, as well as dabbling in wide-field astrophotography and composing “NightScapes” when time permits.

 Tony Buckley
Core Volunteer & Director, 3RF Australia | Co-Founder of the OzSky Star Safaris

Prior to his much-earned retirement, Tony was appointed as a Commissioner in the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW, and was President of the Astronomical Society of NSW for 10 consecutive years. Tony has been the primary point of contact for countless numbers of astronomical visitors from abroad for well over 25 years, and continues to spend his time demonstrating to astronomers from the northern hemisphere what they have been missing out on in the South all this time. Tony has been helping to co-ordinate the OzSky Star Safari trips in their various forms since 1993 and co-founded 3RF Australia in 2009.

Primary Astronomical Interests: Visual observing using BIG dobsonian telescopes and sharing the southern skies with folks from the north.

 John Bambury
Core Volunteer, 3RF Australia

Finance Manager of Argyle Prestige Meats, an Australian-owned meat packing and export company on the South Coast of NSW, John has been a keen amateur astronomer for many years, and is a well-known and highly respected contributor to many of the online astronomy forums. John has been volunteering with 3RF Australia and the OzSky Star Safari trips since April 2006.

Primary Astronomical Interests: Visual Astronomy with a specialty in "Eye Candy" objects.

 Andrew Murrell
Core Volunteer, 3RF Australia

Running his own wedding and event photography business on the Central Coast of NSW, Andrew loves getting out to enjoy both astronomy and photography. Andrew is a former committee member of the Astronomical Society of NSW, and is well known in astronomy circles, particularly following his discovery of a faint planetary nebula which has since been confirmed and named “Murrell 1”. Andrew has been volunteering with 3RF Australia and the OzSky Star Safari trips since June 2004.

Primary Astronomical Interests: Deep Sky Visual Astronomy with a specialty in "Faint Fuzzies" and "Horror Objects".

 Anne Adkins
Core Volunteer, 3RF Australia

Anne is very active in numerous nonprofits in Texas USA and is also heavily involved in organizing the famous Texas Star Party. Anne has been volunteering with 3RF Australia and the OzSky Star Safari trips since 2002, and helped co-coordinate the Deepest South Texas Star Safaris from 2004-2009, during which time she used her expertise to transform these events into a highly popular "must-do" event for amateurs around the world, applying significant improvements and successfully marketing these events to the wider astronomical community across Texas and the USA.

Primary Astronomical Interests: Observational astronomy with aspirations towards further pursuits in astrophotography and sketching at the eyepiece.

 Gary Kopff
Core Volunteer, 3RF Australia

A fully qualified Electrical Engineer, Gary is the Managing Director and co-founder of Wildcard Innovations Pty Ltd and co-developer of the Argo Navis™ Digital Telescope Computer (DTC). Gary is a proud recipient of the Astronomical Society of NSW's most prestigious award, “The McNiven Medal”. Gary has been volunteering with 3RF Australia and the OzSky Star Safari trips since June 2004.

Primary Astronomical Interests: Deep Sky observing and development of the Argo Navis™ Digital Telescope Computer (DTC).